Forskningskonferens om matematisk kreativitet och begåvning, 22-24 augusti i Hamburg

Den 22-24 augusti äger forskningskonferensen  ”the 11th International Conference on Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG)” rum i Hamburg.  Årets tema är  “Including the Highly Gifted and Creative Students – Current Ideas and Future Directions”.

Temat har ytterligare beskrivits enligt nedan och borde vara högaktuellt för undervisning i den svenska skolan.

Positions and discussions about the importance of creativity and giftedness depend on the requirements of societies in the respective historical situations. Today the relevance of an education in mathematics as part of STEM disciplines is highly accepted. We need creative problem solvers; we need people with high mathematical potential for working on actual and future questions.

The implementation in practice of the claim to an inclusive school brings high demands. Special attention must be paid to the fact that students with high mathematical potential should be recognized and promoted in line with their needs. Students should have ample opportunity to develop their creativity.

Läs mer på konferensens hemsida.