Tisdagen den 11 januari och onsdagen den 12 januari har du möjlighet att testa på problemlösning med andra likasinnade via NRICH. Kika in hemsidan och anmäl dig direkt, för vem kan motstå följande:
”Join Liz, Claire and Charlie online for a chance to work on problems from their latest features. We will consider the valuable mathematical thinking that the problems might prompt in your classroom and how they can be embedded into your everyday practice. We hope this event will inspire you to encourage your students to send us their solutions to some of our ’live’ problems.
This is a great opportunity to work collaboratively with other like-minded teachers on some rich mathematical tasks, and to reflect on the implications for your practice. We will draw out the opportunities that NRICH problems offer for developing students’ fluency, reasoning and problem solving capabilities.”